pp7788 发表于 2009-5-19 21:05 只看TA 1楼 |
不潮不用花錢 林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie 听了才知道的韵味超强的歌曲 不潮不用花錢 林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie - Bu Chao Bu Yong Hua Qian (Not Fashionable Not To Spend Money) ![]() ![]() [wmv]http://cdn1-45.projectplaylist.com/e1/static12/mp3/2677431.mp3[/wmv] 不潮不用花錢 林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie Bu Chao Bu Yong Hua Qian (Not Fashionable Not To Spend Money) Rap: Hey, Greedy, don't fret What you see is what you get You name it, I have it What you see is what you get 左左 左左 偏左 就用左手 Zuo zuo Zuo zuo Pian zuo Jiu yong zuo shou Left left, Left left, Favor the left, Just use your left hand 生活 就不用 想太多 Sheng huo Jiu bu yong Xiang tai duo In life, You don't need to Think too much 怦怦 怦怦 心動 張開眼睛 Peng peng Peng peng Xin dong Zhang kai yan jing Thump thump Thump thump My heartbeat I open up my eyes 就記得 當下的 強烈 Jiu ji de Dang xia de Qiang lie I remember the Intensity of That moment 有時靈光一閃而過 You shi ling guang yi shan er guo Sometimes, I get sudden flashes of brilliance 牛頓也吃蘋果 Niu dun ye chi ping guo Newton also ate apples 我的念頭不太囉唆 Wo de nian tou bu tai luo suo My idea isn't too complicated 限時間能入座 Xian shi jian neng ru zuo Gotta hurry, sign-up is limited Chorus: (1) 請你 Qing ni Please 不要到處叩叩 Bu yao dao chu kou kou Don't go around knockin' everywhere 潮流需要摳摳 Chao liu xu yao kou kou Trends need to be raised up 不小心就沒摳摳 Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou If you're not careful, you won't make any money 用力到處扣扣 Yong li dao chu kou kou Work hard to save everywhere 花掉所有摳摳 Hua diao suo you kou kou Spend all the money you've misered up 錢買不到絕活 Qian mai bu dao jue huo Money can't buy you unrivaled skill 你說 聽說 聽說 你聽誰說 Ni shuo Ting shuo Ting shuo Ni ting shei shuo You say You've heard You've heard Who'd you hear say that? 跟著 亂走 鬧哄哄 Gen zhe Luan zou Nao hong hong Followin' Goin' along rashly Buzzin' with excitement 通通 通通 普通 普通 Tong tong Tong tong Pu tong Pu tong It's all It's all Ordinary So ordinary 如果不懂 不要 隨便 拒絕 Ru guo bu dong Bu yao Sui bian Ju jue If you don't get it, Don't Reject it so Carelessly (2) 有時靈光一閃而過 You shi ling guang yi shan er guo Sometimes, I get sudden flashes of brilliance 牛頓也吃蘋果 Niu dun ye chi ping guo Newton also ate apples 我的念頭不太囉唆 Wo de nian tou bu tai luo suo My idea isn't too complicated 限時間能入座 Xian shi jian neng ru zuo Gotta hurry, sign-up is limited Chorus: 請你 Qing ni Please 不要到處叩叩 Bu yao dao chu kou kou Don't go around knockin' everywhere 潮流需要摳摳 Chao liu xu yao kou kou Trends need to be raised up 不小心就沒摳摳 Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou If you're not careful, you won't make any money 用力到處扣扣 Yong li dao chu kou kou Work hard to save everywhere 花掉所有摳摳 Hua diao suo you kou kou Spend all the money you've misered up 錢買不到絕活 Qian mai bu dao jue huo Money can't buy you unrivaled skill 下载地址: http://cdn1-45.projectplaylist.com/e1/static12/mp3/2677431.mp3 [ 本帖最后由 pp7788 于 2009-5-19 21:13 编辑 ] |
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